Wednesday 30 March 2011


Urgh I hate being unwell. I've got a werid cold, sore throat bad chest thing. Bad chest is the most concerning with my Asthma : / But complaints as side, I wonder how many of my artistic friends have ever had this problem.

You want to draw. You desperately want to put pencil to paper and get on with it...But you can't figure out WHAT to draw and everything you attempt you dislike?

Any one? Or is this just another one of my quirks?

Sunday 20 March 2011

Drawing at what time?

Do you have a particular time when you draw best? Is it in the middle of the day, first thing in the morning? Or like me do you have a habit of staying up late and some how drawing! I would say it was a one off but I produced three new images all from staying up late!
I'm actually rather proud of them which is rare for me, I'm especially happy with the one of Kamui. All three pictures are my characters, Kamui, Tsuki and Lex. I hope you enjoy them!

Wednesday 16 March 2011

Of Commissions and Earthquakes

I cant even begin to talk about Japan. Alot of people concerned are getting hit with abuse, accused of only caring about the anime and manga. Well I do care, I care about the people, the industries, work, music, art, my friends who are over there right now. I can only hope they make it back safely.

On to more happier times, the lovely Skyla Rose has commissioned me to illustrate her character and her friends character Shade. She's already okayed the pose and the inked work, now its just onto some colouring.

And as for The Art of Shadow I did a huge upload of sneak preview work over on my deviantart account! Some of my favourite pieces of the lovers!

Thursday 10 March 2011

Don't Give In

This is the format for a fair chunk of The Art Of Shadows Illustrations. I really enjoyed working like this and I think it shows in the work. I suppose I'm a little biased, I hate drawing Abyss, but it sadly, wouldn't be the same if I ommited her from everything, you'd never know the face of the bitch that torments Reyes and Nancy.

All work Copyright to Nicola Pennicott and Stephanie Moule
The Art Of Shadows is an illustrated look at the world of Reyes and Nancy as well as the portrayal of their life and the trials they face.
Up against the odds in a dying world, faced with love, loss, death and betrayal, Stephanie Moule illustrates scenes and emotions as written by Nicola Pennicott.
Reyes is a difficult and misunderstood young man with who has bitten off more than he meant too with a less then human woman. Finding solice in music and alcohol, he drowns his sorrows at a bar that satisifies his needs. There he relucantly meets a young woman, Nancy. This bright young woman breathes life into all she touches and stands out in a world so dark and grim. The darkness haunts Reyes. threatening his every move, watching and waiting to drag him down into pain and torment, suffering and torture again and again. Despite this, the young woman, Nancy manages to bring warmth and comfort to him, but how long can it last when every day maybe your last?

Wednesday 9 March 2011

Drawings and the like!

So, even with the release of Pokemon it hasn't managed to stop me drawing, even though now all I wish to do IS draw Pokemon >< I've always loved their art style, so simple yet so cute, I'm especially loving N in this game. However I've not been neglecting my pen and paper although I cant say the same when Final Fantasy DuoDecim comes out!

Firstly, I finished the second page of the Mainframe Comic, written by Marc Jones but illustrated by myself then managed to get a few doodles in, one of my character Remy and one inspired by Alphonse Mucha, a lot of people are surprised to hear me say I'm a fan of Mucha's work, alot of people take one look at me and simply think 'Otaku' and believe all I know about is Manga artists and such, but you'd be surprised.

Thursday 3 March 2011

A Thanks To Renny

Oh my gosh! I was so surprised when I came onto to find I'd been mentioned by a lovely lass - Renny!
Renny and I are both in the BJD hobby and know each other through a forum called Angels Unlimited, its where the cool UK/EU people with dolls hang out. She left such a lovely comment about me I was honestly touched, so yeah, Here's a little shout out back!
Renny has the most beautiful dolls I've ever seen as well as being a polite, friendly and lovely lady. Any one who is a friend of hers is lucky! I loved her random fact of prentending to be a zombie when eating strawberry jelly, classic, next time I have jelly I'm going to do it honour of you!
(Go check her out here! )
I was awarded a stylish blogger, go me <3

But I've also a tag to answer back to, 7 facts about myself, okay well. Here we go;

1) I'm Welsh, and damn proud of it too. Yes I had daffodils in my flat on Saint David's Day and yes, I can speak welsh too!

2) I am TERRIFIED of spiders. They are Just greedy, 8 eyes, 8 legs, why? why do you need so many you evil evil spiders.

3) I love to sing though I'm kinda shy I'd love to have the confidence to do Karoke one day

4) I'll only eat carrots cut in sticks, and the only time I'll ever eat circles is when my Nan Kath makes them.

5) The only parts of me I like, are my ever changing hair, my eyes and my tattoos.

6) I taught myself to sew and find it very enjoyable and relaxing

7) I have a huge soft spot for smile.DK. I probably shouldn't admit that publically.

Anyway, hope my facts gave you a laugh, ladies and gents if you fancy doing so, go ahead!

And thankyou Renny, for making what was otherwise a shit day, pretty damned bearable!