Saturday 2 July 2011

Back into the Digital Frey!

So I've been avoiding it for as long as I could now, but oddly starting Tales of Symphonia again reminded me of how much I wanted to colour again, I finally bit the bullet and got some help and got on with it. I'm actually very pleased with the results!

So what do you guys think?


  1. I really like this one, hun! It looks like digital colouring suits you!

  2. right now i'm having a day of fighting colors, struggling with sai.. n THIS. IS. MADNESS. so faaar beyond my color skills. x''DDDD this image looks supercool!. i love how you've worked the solid black into the picture. so pretty. x'3 GIVE SKILLS PLZ.

  3. -blush- Wow thankyou for the lovely comment -shares skills xD- I've never used SAI before I just plod along with Adobe Photoshop ^^;
